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Artwork grows to new heights at Gallery in the Sky - Melbourne

Since August 2024, my artwork 'Through the Eyes of a Child' has been growing steadily on the top floor of a building development in South Melbourne. The 10.5 x 7 meter billboard is part of Melbourne's iconic Gallery In The Sky series, a Crema Constructions initiative that provides a platform for budding Australian artists to showcase their work on a grand scale, while supporting a charity of their choice. The billboard will eventually grow to around 20 stories in 2025.

The original mixed media artwork was designed in a layered paper style to give the artwork a child-like, cut-out effect - it was then photographed and digitised for reproduction on a grand scale. The whole process was a wonderful, learning experience and a real honour to be involved in.

Read the full story about the artwork on Page 52 here: Pittwater Life Magazine

Beautiful Tomorrow Solo Exhibition

Beautiful Tomorrow' is coming to the M2 Gallery at Surry Hills in November 2022 and it wants to take you on a journey deep into the art.

'Beautiful Tomorrow' is collection of works that express the bittersweet stuff of life - the joy and the pain, the love and the loss, the bizarre and the mundane in all our lives.

Because I love music so much, I've paired every artwork in this exhibition with a song that will take you deeper into the heart of work and immerse you in sight and sound. I really wanted to take you deeper into my art and offer something unique, something you might take away and think about.

With both art and music having the power to alter mood, trigger memories, and act as a source of comfort or inspiration, I wonder what might come of combining the two. My hope is that everyone who visits will find a little moment of truth, an affirmation, an inspiration, or giggle.

'Beautiful Tomorrow' exhibition will be at the M2 Gallery at Surry Hills from 9th -15th November 2022.



Human In The Wire Exhibition 

Art is back! From Thursday 5 May 2022, I’ll be part of an exhibition ‘Human In The Wire’ curated by Willoughby Council. The exhibition contemplates the technoligisation of the human and looks at the body, identity, and how these aspects may activate technology, be absorbed by it or subsumed within it. Scary! But after two years of lockdowns and working from home, it seems more relevant than ever.

My work is a collaboration with digital artist Sean Costello and explores the allure of mobile technology over nature. The four pieces include a short video project and three other pieces combining traditional drawing methods, animation, and sound design with augmented reality technology.

Ten artists will be exhibiting and works feature virtual reality, video art, sculptural installations, ephemeral art, and tech-based 2D works and take place at Chatswood across The Concourse Outdoor Area, Artspace on The Concourse, and the Concourse Urban Screen. Much of the exhibition is outdoors and it’s all FREE! Thursday 5 May – Sunday 29th May 2022


PORQUENO - Group Exhibition December 2021

It's been a long, tedious lockdown in Sydney and it's my first opportunity to exhibit in a long time - Needless to say I'm very excited!! A group exhibit called PORQUENO (which means 'Why Not?' in Spanish). Gaffa Gallery, Clarence Street Sydney 2-13th December - just a stone's throw from Town Hall Station.

For more details visit:


17-Sydney based artists of different skill sets come together to showcase their work and participate in an open exploration of the Seven Deadly Sins. Each artist depicts the sins interpreted in their favorite medium, to spark discussion of what it really means to be a human capable of wrongdoing, and what society reflects back to us about virtue and forgiveness. The exhibition features a selection of media, ranging from photography and digital to illustration, pencil, gouache & ink, oil, and mixed media. From the playful to the profound, and all curious by nature, each artist draws on different inspirations from the world around us all to create striking works in a public space.

2 -13th December 2021

Gaffa Gallery - 281 Clarence Street Sydney



66th Blake Prize Finalist

Blake Prize Anchor

What an incredible honour to be named a finalist in the 66th Blake Prize - The esteemed art prize that encourages contemporary artists to create significant works of art, which engage in conversations and negotiations concerning spirituality, religion and/or belief.

Baptised as a child, I went through the Catholic school system, and for the most part, trusted the nuns and priests responsible for my education. I did feel some solace and peace in Christianity as a child, but as I grew up I found much of the church's teachings contradictory, and because of this, I've not been a practicing Catholic since I left school - I'm what the church calls a Lapsed Catholic.


Last year, sickened that Cardinal George Pell, a paedophile, was freed and being protected by the Pope and with the revelations of the rampant abuse of children by church leaders at the highest echelons, I decided I wanted to officially leave the church - I wanted to be debaptised. When I couldn't find out how or if this was possible online, I asked the Catholic Church if I could be removed from their baptismal register and was told that it wasn't possible. They instead suggested if I wanted my defection to be counted I should simply tick NO RELIGION in the next census.

I'd never contemplated that my Baptism at the age of 5 might be irreversible. I felt like I'd been signed up to a lifetime contract with a sinister organisation. Baptism was immutable, and I had no choice in the matter.


It's my hope this work will provoke conversation about the immutability of Baptism and let other similarly Lapsed-Catholics know, they can do something about it. Brush off any Catholic guilt you're feeling and let your feet do the talking in form of a NO RELIGION tick on the next Australian Census. 

The next Australian Census is in August 2021. The Australian Census happens every 5 years. The 66th Blake Prize is on at the Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre till Sunday 11th April 2021.

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Image courtesy of Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, photography by Chantel Bann

Join the Jesus Army*_by Trinity Morris.j
Join the Jesus Army*_by Trinity Morris_l

Art & Words Project 

Exhibition News

Now in its second year the Northern Beaches Council's Art & Words Project celebrates community & creativity by connecting local writers and artists. This year the theme is 'Portrait' and I'm happy to announce I've been selected to create a piece of art inspired by a short story written by local writer Kate Mitchell. 

The collection of writings and artworks have been published in a beautiful anthology and both artworks and anthologies are on display at the Manly Library. The anthology is for sale at all Northern Beaches libraries.

The exhibition is at Manly Library between 
17 – 30 September 2020

To find out more: Northern Beaches Council Art & Words project

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Healing Hospitals Art Exhibition

I'm a real believer that art can be a powerful changemaker and can have a huge impact on our mood and emotions, so I'm very proud to say that some of my artworks are now gracing the walls of the Children's Ward of Liverpool Hospital.

Seven pieces were selected to be part of a wonderful arts initiative aiming to use art as a positive diversion for patients, visitors, and staff. The project is based on existing research from the WHO that demonstrates the impact of art on healing. 


They definitely brighten up those daggy old grey walls of the hospital as part of this 3-month rolling exhibition. Such a great project to be part of!

Thanks to #colourspaceau for inviting me to be part of the project.

(4 September 2020)


Solo Exhibition Opens

Exhibition opens!


The Stories of Strangers exhibition has finally opened! 

Come check out the art and read some of the wonderful stories of strangers while you're here. 

Due to current restrictions, the stories are now online and all visitors to the exhibition are asked to bring their own smart device (either phone or tablet) to read the stories, poems, and imaginings other people have been inspired to write about the art. There are some crackers, including a fantastic story by Aussie music icon Tim Rogers (on loan till the end of the year).

While you're here you can also experience four artworks that have been extended with Augmented Reality (AR). By downloading a free app you can see a little more to the story of these four artworks.

For opening times please check the gallery website:

Art Space on The Concourse website

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New Exhibition Dates

The Stories of Strangers exhibition opens in July!


After a pretty strange and uncertain three months contemplating where to go from here, I'm happy to announce that the Stories of Strangers exhibition has been rescheduled and will open on 29th July - 9th August 2020. 


The exhibition which asks its audience to tell the story they see in the art will now encourage visitors to bring their own device (tablet or smartphone) offering a contactless way to enjoy the stories while immersing themselves in the art.


Already around 70 stories have been contributed and It's hoped many more will come in the weeks preceding and during the exhibition. Check out the Stories page to get involved.  All welcome! 

All artworks in the exhibition will be for sale and there will also be several limited edition prints available for purchase. 

For opening times please check the gallery website closer to the day: Art Space on The Concourse website

The Little Things.jpg

Art & Words Project 2020 

Art & Words Connecting Local Creatives


Now in its second year the Northern Beaches Council's Art & Words Project celebrates community & creativity by connecting local writers and artists. This year the theme is 'Portrait' and I'm happy to announce I've been selected to create a piece of art inspired by a short story written by local writer Kate Mitchell. 

The collection of writings and artworks will be published in an anthology and displayed at Northern Beaches libraries, as well as on the 24-hour digital display screen at Manly Art Gallery & Museum.

To find out more: Northern Beaches Council Art & Words project


Exhibition Cancelled!

Exhibition Cancelled.


As Sydney has now gone into a lockdown situation due to COVID-19 I've had to cancel the 'Stories of Strangers' Exhibition. With 18 months of love, determination and hard work put toward this collection and the project, I'm pretty devastated but I'm moving forward with the online element of the project and hoping that you'll all get involved and help make it a success regardless of what's going on all around us.


You can still contribute to the online Stories project. There have been some great stories so far from a wide range audience like 4-year-old Sammy to 94-year-old Norm & 11-year-old Lucy.  The project will stay online for as long as people are still enjoying reading and writing stories. Please continue to share the project with your networks, particularly those who might be cooped up inside at the moment and looking for something creative to inspire their day. 

There are a bunch of Limited Edition prints available for purchase in the ONLINE SHOP as well as some postcards and a few other originals not part of this collection.  If you're interested in a commission, please send me an email via the CONTACT page.

Please join my Instagram and FB pages to see new works as they happen in lockdown - Stay tuned!

(23 March 2020)

Red Wine

Radio Interview on NorthSide Radio 99.

Radio Interview on Stories of Strangers


Yesterday I sat down with the lovely Georgie Cadwalladar from NorthSide Radio 99.3 and chatted about my upcoming exhibition. 

To hear the recording of the interview click the link.

(16 February 2020)

Newport Creative Trail Winner!

Winner - 2019 Newport Creative Trail!


So excited to announce that my artwork 'Starry Night' won first prize in the Newport Creative Trail 2019.


The judges said "Trinity’s bold use of colour is striking. It has wonderful movement and the work is beautifully executed. Her precise linework engages the viewer - leading the eye around the work and inviting them on a journey to discover the details." 

The works are in the pop-up gallery at the old Mark Tucky building on Barrenjoey Road, Newport. You can see all the artworks on display till Sunday 15 December 2019.

For more details go to:

(30 November 2019)


First Solo Exhibition 

Exhibition Announced!


This is me aged 5. About the same age I first said I wanted to be an artist. Now, more than 40 years later I'm able to proudly announce the news of my very first SOLO EXHIBITION, 'Stories of Strangers'. The exhibition will be in March/April 2020 over 2 weeks held at the beautiful Artspace on the Concourse in Chatswood, Sydney.


‘Stories of Strangers’ project turns the tables on what the art is all about and instead asks you, the viewer tell the story you see through your own unique lens. Anything that inspires you - a story, poem, memoir, observation inspired by the art is welcome. You don't need to be good at writing or grammar, just be able to write down what you feel or see or imagine and be willing to share it with the world. All ages and abilities welcome!


It’s hoped that a diverse audience will share their stories and highlight the differences and similarities in how we see the world, through the art. It's also just a fun way to give life to the characters in the art and get a sense of how other people see the world.


Stories will be presented alongside each artwork at the exhibition for the public to read. Visitors to the exhibition will also be welcome to submit stories during the course of the exhibition. 


For details on how to submit a story and be part of the exhibition go the Stories of Stranger page on this website. 

(5 November 2019)

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